Improving outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in NSW through:

  • Ensuring adequate investment in First Nations communities in the State Budget
  • Reporting on First Nations-related expenditure and promoting self-determination through evidence-based decision-making in partnership with First Nations communities
  • Embedding First Nations outcomes in Outcome Budgeting in partnership with Government Clusters
  • Aligning Indigenous-related NSW Government priorities
  • Collaborating with and advising agencies on the implementation of key Indigenous-related policy reforms, including Closing the Gap and Local Decision Making.

To ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are adequately represented in the management of the State’s finances, Treasury is embedding processes and frameworks to accurately capture First Nations-related expenditure. These processes will improve the stewardship of the public sector financial system to deliver outcomes for First Nations communities across NSW.

This work has resulted in the development of the inaugural NSW Interim Indigenous Expenditure Report which has identified $1.1 billion of First Nation-specific expenditure in 2021/22. This Report provides a baseline that will improve evidence-based resource allocation, transparency and support improved outcomes for First Nations people and communities.

Treasury is committed to ensuring public resources are invested to achieve improved outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in NSW. As part of Outcome Budgeting reforms, Treasury works with Government Clusters to embed a greater focus on Indigenous outcomes in Outcome Budgeting, in alignment with Closing the Gap.

This approach supports the government to make investment decisions that are outcome focused, aligned with communities’ aspirations and well informed by regular performance updates through outcome and business planning processes.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Outcome Budgeting Landscape Reportt

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Last updated: 10/08/2022