The Treasury Executive Board is the department’s senior governance and decision-making body for policy, strategy and accountability matters. The board comprises the Secretary, the five Deputy Secretaries and two additional senior executives rotating on a twice-yearly basis.


Michael Coutts-Trotter was appointed Acting Secretary of NSW Treasury on 17 April 2023

Michael Coutts-Trotter


Michael Coutts-Trotter was first appointed to head a NSW Government department in 2004 and has since led seven agencies.  He was appointed Secretary of the NSW Treasury on 22 May 2023, following his appointment as Acting Secretary on 14 April 2023. Before joining the public service, Michael was chief of staff to a NSW Treasurer for seven years. Michael is a fellow of the Institute of Public Administration of Australia.

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Joann Wilkie, Deputy Secretary of Economic Strategy and Productivity

Joann Wilkie

Deputy Secretary, Economic Strategy & Productivity

Joann Wilkie joined NSW Treasury in February 2019 as Deputy Secretary for the Economic Strategy & Productivity Group. In this role, she leads the delivery of economic and revenue forecasting; provision of advice on economic policy and reform, including on productivity; and engagement with Commonwealth, State and Territories on key national reforms and issues. The NSW Small Business Commissioner and NSW Productivity Commissioner are also anchored in the Economic Strategy and Productivity Group. 

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Liz Livingstone

Deputy Secretary, Policy and Budget

Liz is the Deputy Secretary, Policy and Budget. Prior to this Liz was the CEO of New South Wales’s main economic regulator, the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). She has deep policy expertise and broad experience in senior executive roles across government including at the NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet where she led teams to broker natural resources policy. She was also a Deputy Secretary at the Department of Industry with responsibility for Crown land and regional water. 

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Sonya is the Acting Deputy Secretary, Commercial and Procurement

Sonya Campbell

Deputy Secretary, Commercial

Sonya is the Deputy Secretary, Commercial. Prior to this role, Sonya was the Executive Director and Head of the Infrastructure and Structured Finance Unit at NSW Treasury. Sonya joined NSW Treasury in September 2018 following an extensive career in the private sector specialising in PPP and major project procurement.  

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Marina van der Walt

Deputy Secretary, Financial Management and Services

Marina van der Walt is the Deputy Secretary, Financial Management and Services, she re-joined Treasury in November 2022. In this role, she provides executive leadership and strategic direction for the state sector financial reporting frameworks and governance, and also leads the Treasury functional divisions, including People and Culture, Finance, Information Technology and Communications. 

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Andy Hobbs

Executive Director, Financial Stewardship and Public Reporting

Andy is an executive director in Treasury’s Financial Management and Services Group. He is responsible for the State’s consolidated financial reporting through the Total State Sector Accounts and State Budget. His team leads policy-setting and advice for the sector on external reporting, accounting and financial stewardship.

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Louis Kastoun

Executive Director, Health and Stronger Communities

Louis is an executive director in Treasury’s Policy and Budget. He is responsible for the teams working closely with the health and stronger communities portfolios. This includes the Department of Communities and Justice, Corrective Services NSW and emergency service organisations.

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Last updated: 10/07/2024