Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) is a systematic approach to calculating and comparing the benefits and costs of a course of action in a given situation.

NSW Treasury applies cost-benefit analysis to weigh up risks and benefits versus costs to ensure the NSW Government delivers the best possible outcomes for the people of NSW.

Rapid CBA Tool

The Centre for Economic Evidence (CEE) has developed a Rapid CBA Tool to support NSW Government agencies and other users who are undertaking a CBA. The tool is a spreadsheet set out in an easy to use format that requires the input of estimates of costs and benefits.

It will generate key results such as NPV, BCR, sensitivity analysis and distributional analysis without need for a bespoke model. The Tool is consistent with, and should be used alongside, the TPG23-08 NSW Government Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis and the Rapid CBA Tool User Guide.

Last updated: 25/07/2024