Showing 10 of 1149 results

TIPP 5.20 NSW Treasury Data Breach (Privacy) Policy

This policy provides an overview of the mechanism for NSW Treasury to respond to and manage privacy data breaches.

Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Governance, Risk & Audit Date: 02 May 2024 Status: Current

TPG24-08 CFO Certification on the Internal Control Framework over Financial Systems and Information

The purpose of this policy is to hold Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) of GSF agencies accountable to design, implement, continuously monitor and evaluate throughout the year a risk-based internal control framework over their financial systems and information.

Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Governance, Risk & Audit Date: 15 April 2024

TIPP5.19 Privacy Management Plan and Guidelines (PMP)

The NSW Treasury’s Privacy Management Plan and Guidelines (the Plan), provides practical guidance for NSW Treasury staff on requirements of section 33 of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (the PPIP Act) for managing personal information.

Category: Treasury Policy Papers (TPP) Topic: Governance, Risk & Audit Date: 14 April 2024 Status: Current

Multicultural Action Plan 2024-2027

NSW Treasury have launched the 2024-2027 Multicultural Action Plan aimed at ensuring Treasury reflects the diversity of the community we serve.

Category: General Topic: General Date: 26 March 2024 Status: Current

TD24-04 Amendment to TD19-02 Mandatory Early Close as at 31 March each year

This Direction amends TD19-02 for the financial years ending 30 June 2024 and following.

This Direction takes effect on Wednesday, 19 March 2024.

Category: Treasurer's Directions (TD) Topic: Accounting Policy Date: 19 March 2024 Status: Current

[2024] TD19-02 Mandatory Early Close as at 31 March each year

This Direction makes provision with respect to procedures to be followed by agencies as at 31 March each year to facilitate early identification and resolution of accounting issues and ensure the timely completion and quality of government sector reporting.

This Direction takes effect on Wednesday, 19 March 2024.


Category: Treasurer's Directions (TD) Topic: Government Sector Finance Act 2018 Date: 19 March 2024 Status: Current

TPG24-06 Mandates of options and major policy decisions under Australian Accounting Standards

Australian Accounting Standards provide certain accounting policy options. This TPG updates the mandates of accounting policy options and major policy decisions for recent amendments to Australian Accounting Standards and Treasury requirements.

Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Financial Management Date: 11 March 2024 Status: Current

TPG24-05 Financial Reporting Code for NSW General Government Sector Agencies

The Financial Reporting Code for NSW General Government Sector Entities (the Code) sets out the financial reporting framework for all New South Wales General Government Sector (NSW GGS) entities. The Code provides a model financial reporting framework which promotes consistency across the NSW GGS. The Consolidated Financial Statements of New South Wales report on the General Government Sector (GGS) entities and the Total State Sector.

Category: Treasury Policy and Guidelines (TPG) Topic: Financial Management Date: 11 March 2024 Status: Current

Last updated: 28/02/2022